Create a D partition
10 still free
and adjustments to be made after upgrade 1903
Fix Screen flashing issue in Windows 10
(version 1809)
Learn more about Windows 10 and how to troubleshoot common
Blocks many unwanted things
How to fix the high CPU and Disk usage
If your machine is very slow, it may be due to the high processor and hard disk usage
Then you see the usagepercentages.
If that is nearly 100% then you can do something about it
Safe Mode back in W10
Activate the administrator
Problems with Windows 10
Machine does not start up, black screen and other problems
And how to solve it?
In case of a clean installation or an upgrade, you will need to
activate the safe mode option (F8 function)
In addition, your system recovery must be reactivated (disabled by default).
And you will also have to turn on the administrator.
To start with, you need a C and a D partition and you will have to make a series of
Furthermore, M$ wants to put everything back into the default option again and again.
PC restoration with Macrium Reflect Boot Fix
Macrium start CD or USB stick
Machine does not start up and/or displays black screen but starts up in safe mode (F8)
Nowadays, M$ feels called to update the drivers of your hardware.
Nobody has asked for it.
With Sony laptops, Wi-Fi cards are turned off and with an AMD or NVIDIA video card you suddenly get no picture anymore.
Starting from the fact that you have made the adjustments as previously indicated and enabled system recovery and safe mode, proceed as follows:
Start the machine in safe mode with F8
restore in the search window and then click on recovery above.
Then click on Start system restore in that window, then click on system recovery,
next and possibly more restore points.
Select a restore point and complete the procedure.
If you don't succeed,
continue here..
If that restore has been successful you break the internet connection.
Go to PC settings, update and security and select advanced options.
With the Home version you probably won't get that possibility, but
upgrading to Pro is still possible depending on the Windows version you have.
You need to change from automatically to Notify
Restore the Internet connection and then those update(s) will resume, which were responsible that the machine don't work properly
They are no longer installed automatically but put on hold.
Leave the machine on because if you turn it off, those updates will reinstall.
Time for the Windows Update Show-Hide Tool
Put it on your desktop It is a self executable. You only need to click on it. So you can hide these updates
Hidden updates are considered as delivered by M$ and will not present themselves again.
Start Showhide
Remove the check mark for automatic application of solutions
Klik op hide updates
Check the found updates that you do not want (the hardware) and then next.
If you had a black screen, then hide the updates of the video card.
Nvidia (Radeon, Geforce) and AMD cards give most problems
Hide those updates.
But you can also hide them all.
If you have to choose between "security (?)"updates or an ineffective machine, that choice is not that difficult.
For the time being, Windows 10 seems to be the same holes-cheese as XP.
does not start up in safe mode.
You have Windows 10 Home and Pro and then also 32 and 64 bits.
Depending on the version you have, you will need to use or create the correct start up DVD or a bootable USB stick.
Use the Windows media creation tool.
You can download the media for all versions, but a distinction is made as to which machine this happens.
To restore a machine, you need the right version because with a Pro startup DVD, you won't get to see recovery points with a Home version while they are there anyway.
And not the other way around either.
It also matters whether it is a 32 or 64 bit version.
For example, for a Home 64 bits you must also use the Home 64 bits boot media.
This brings you finally into a selection menu of: reinstall or restore the computer.
Choose Restore for
Then you can go back to a recovery point.
Continue here...
Read more about the problem that, depending on the configuration, the restore media of version 1803 may not be able to find restore points of previous versions such as the 1511.
WSUS offline. Quickly retrieve updatesW7, 8 en
Didn't you get updates for a long time or does not work automatically anymore?
More info.....
settings en maintenance
Cleaning procedure etc.
All work in this manual should be carried out in Windows 10 for reasons of privacy and to be able to guarantee its
Fear of Windows 10?
Not happy with unsolicited sharing your wifi with all your "friends" and the invasion of your privacy?
Your Windows 7 start
button back
To make it easier to work with,
first install an alternative to Classic Shell Classis/Open
Shell (is no longer supported and causes problems with 1809
and later).
The Alernative
start button
of Windows 7 back
Install an alternative Classic shell.
You can use
menu8 for that.
That normally costs 9,99 euro, but
you don't have to pay for it.
You download and install
it, then remove it again and you get the message that you
can download the free version.
Install as well:
Macrium Reflect free.
Choose home user and if registration is requested when installing, choose no.
VLC media player
Synctoy 2.1
You probably also need framework 2.0, but that is indicated and you can also download and install it.
What are you going to do?
You will set up your PC or laptop so that you can recover it.
You will split your hard disk into a C and a D partition if there is no D yet.
C shows the operating system (os) with the installed programs and you move the folder containing my documents to
You can continue to work as usual, but all your data will then automatically be written to that D.
The C is now only the machine room.
And if the C is fully
configurated, you make a copy of it. That is called an image.
You can do that with Macrium reflect
You place that image on the D.
If the computer crahst or is affected by a virus, that image can be reset to C.
And because all files are already on that D anyway, you won't lose anything. By restoring that image, the original MBR will be restored.
Then you can get the latest updates and create a new image for the next time.
All files of D including that image can be copied to a folder on an external hard disk.
Sync-toy then allows those files to be synchronized and that's much faster than having to back up or copy everything over and over again.
Even if your files are taken hostage by a
cryptolocker, both the image and the files can be restored, provided they are on an external drive. Sinc-toy does not work automatically. That is not advisable either. The external drive must therefore not be permanently connected to the PC. That would mean that your external drive could also be contaminated
immediately. .
However, it is advisable to synchronise regularly in order to minimize loss.
Paying for cryptolocker or rombertik is not an option because then they will grab you again the next time
Even if the computer's hard disk drive breaks down, you can use the files and image on that external disk to set up a new hard disk. The activation (licences) of Windows and Office remain intact.
Create a D partition Win 7-8-10 and Vista
First clean up all unnecessary files.
If you already have a considerable D partition then you can go directly to Windows
10 settings
Click on this PC with the right mouse button en choose manage
Klick on diskmanagement
Stand on C with your right mouse button and choose to
shrink volume.
Then the volume can be reduced.
Click on the unassigned area with your right mouse button.
New Volume
Simple volume
Then that D is created. But you probably get a different letter.
That's because the DVD/CD was assigned to D before
Stand on that CD/DVD with your right mouse button and choose drive letter and change paths. Give it another letter, K or so.
Then stand on that new partition and then choose a different drive letter and make D of it.
Make that CD/DVD an E
Change any other stations to F and beyond so that you have a logical sequence.
Moving my documents to D Win 7-8-10 and Vista
The essence is that you don't move the folders as in XP but that you create a folder.
Create a folder on D: with the name; Docs on D or with your own name
Go to my documents via C:\ users and open documents.
Select; Desktop, Downloads, Favorites, Pictures, Documents, Music and Videos.
Cut the selected folders and then paste them into that folder on D.
Also check if you can save a Word document and see if you can also see it in documents on D.
If that is not the case, then move (cut) that folder documents back to the C and then cut them back from C and paste them back into that folder on D.
If all right, the Word document is now saved to D.
Also see if you can save a favourite in Explorer and keep it visible with favourites.
If that is not the case, move (cut) those favourites back to the C and then cut them back from C and paste them back into that folder on D.
If you have installed Macrium Reflect before moving the folders, you must copy the folder documents back to the C
Copy, do not move again. Then create a hidden folder from that folder to C to avoid confusion.
Now a favourite will be displayed correctly.
Look with a test document in Word to see if it is properly stored and also with a picture of my images on the internet.
Create a shortcut to your desktop from the Docs on D folder and change the icon if you want.
The following amendments are for version 1511.
Later versions may differ slightly
Windows Photo viewer
If you went online from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10, photo viewer is still present.
With a clean installation no more.
This can be remedied with a registry modification.
How to Restore Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10
Then go to PC settings, system, standard apps, and click on photo and choose Windows photo viewer as default.
After upgrading you have a nice piece of spyware in house.
But there is something to do.
Click om privacy and choose wat you don't want to share
link disables personal ads in the new Edge browser and special cookies do not track your surfing behaviour.
Schedule updates
Windows installs updates automatically, and then the PC may also shut down and start up itself.
However, you can also plan it yourself.
Go to settings
Click Update... and then Update and Security click Windows Update
Click on advanced options
Automatically turn off update drivers.
Furthermore, Windows 10 has received an addition that you don't really need to be happy with.
This is that the drivers are also updated automatically.
If you are using a Nvidia video card, you can count on the wrong driver being installed every time.
You should disable that option.
Go to start and type: hardware and then click on system hardware at the top.
Check your privacy settings from time to time.
It is not excluded that with an update everything can be reset to the standard.
Use the Iobitt Driver Booster tool to upgrade the drivers.
That saves a lot of work.
When installing, remove the check mark for advance system care and do not enter an e-mail address after installation, but close.
Start Driver Booster and choose update and then for free pickup.
Pay attention to the correct video driver. A basic display is not good.
After updating the drivers you need to restart your computer. Then the updated drivers will be installed and then you will need to restart again. Remove the program.
(not standard on our machines, self-determination)
You can also choose to disable automatic updates
For this we have the tool wushowhide. daigcab
Option: Pack back 20% bandwidth.
(not standard on our machines, self-determination)
It seems that Windows 10 keeps approximately 20% of the bandwidth it has available from your Internet connection for itself. You can remove this limitation by going through the following steps:
Type of msc and press enter
Management templates > Network > QoS scheduler
Right-hand screen: open Limit Reservable bandwidth limit
Choose the option enabled and enter zero value and click OK and leave Group policy.
Restart your PC
sharing updates
When you work with Windows 10, your computer is used to update other people's computers.
That is not bad in itself, but something you need to know. Moreover, you can easily switch it off yourself.
Microsoft uses a so-called' torrent technique' for the update of Windows 10. The' Windows update delivery optimization'. (WUDO) In practice, this means that a Windows10 update will not only be downloaded from Microsoft (only) but also from many other computers on which windows10 is installed. That's very clever: it will make updating faster and more reliable.
But.... what they do not say is that this also has a disadvantage: your computer will also be used to continuously' upload' data to other computers, since you are part of the torrent network => Microsoft uses your connection to update others. Microsoft itself indicates that this is a small burden. But if your internet connection is not too' broad' anyway, you may notice it. All the more so because upload usually has a greater influence on available bandwidth than download. When it comes to a windows smartphone or tablet using a mobile Internet connection, the so-called metered connection is usually automatically switched on. In that case, no automatic update is performed at all, and therefore not shared. WITH: If you use your smartphone, for example on holiday, as a wifi hotspot then that connection is used and you may be very fast through your roaming bundle. The same applies if you use a wifi hotspot in hotel or camping site; they also often have a data limit.
Quite apart from that, I frankly find it incomprehensible that Microsoft does not communicate this more clearly. It is also noteworthy that this' sharing' is standard on the' Enterprise' and' Education' versions.
Do you ave a good internet connection and it's just about your computer at home: do nothing. The technique that microsoft uses is excellent and you won't bother with it.
However, if you have a somewhat slower connection, go abroad with your computer or use your computer mobile: please adjust the update settings.
The same applies if you have fundamental objections (and there is a lot to say about that, especially because it is not actively communicated.
Customize settings
Press the start button at the bottom left, select' PC settings' and then' Update and protect':
You will then see the screen below, opt for' advanced options'.
As already indicated, all work on our Windows 10 computers has already been carried out. So also this one. Except
Icons disappeared on desktop.
If you have bought a PC from Komp u ter hulp or have it set up, and if you suddenly lost all your icons, you will probably be on the administrator account.
Go to the start button and choose log off
Then you will see the user account and the administrator on the bottom (left
Click on the user account.
the Administrator
For Professional
Right-click your right mouse button on My PC.
Manage, Users and groups, Administrator, remove check at account is disabled
For Home-Premium (and also for professional use)
Type CMD in the search window and then you see above that black box of CMD.
Click on it with your right mouse button and then: perform as administrator.
Type: net user administrator /active:yes
To access the administrator account, you must log off or choose for an other user and you will see a screen with a landscape.
Clickon that picture. Then you will see your own account and the administrator
It is advisable to set a password for the user account. Then you get the choice between your own account and the administrator at startup. If there is something wrong with your own account, you can try to recover it via the administrator.
For added security, you can also set a password for the administrator.
Switch on system restore points (again)
System restore is switched off as standard in W10 after upgrading (?)
This PC with right mouse button, properties and then click on system security.
Click C and then click Configure
But then you're not there yet, because you've only assigned 0 bytes of space.
Move that slider to the right on something of 3-4 gb.
Then click on Create, to create a restore point
Type the current date.
Activate Safe
mode in Windows 10
Activate Safe Mode
in new version 1809 (Oct 2018) of Windows 10
Safe mode is/was always a very useful function in Windows.
If your PC is structurally stuck, it is often possible to start up in safe mode
and solve the problem that causes the problem to occur. Unfortunately, the F8
boot menu in which safe mode can be activated is disabled by default in Windows
By starting the PC, forcing it to switch off, and repeating that a few times you
could eventually get a menu to start the safe mode from there.
The one who came up with that at M$ is ripe for a institution.
(But apparently that's not the only one there)
This can also be simpler.
Here's the solution to reactivate safe mode via F8, also in Windows 10.
Type CMD in the search window and then click on the black CMD icon at the top of
that menu with your right mouse button.
Run as administrator
That opens a black box with the line system32
For versions 1503 to 1803
Copy the command line below and paste it behind that system32>
bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
Followed by <enter>.When the
message The operation is succesfull appears you can use F8 again at startup to
enter safe mode.
For version 1809 the above does not work for the F8 function
In version 1809 you should use another command.
/set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes
Then the machine
will start with a menu to continue with Windows 10 or you can choose another
option by still entering F8.
Media center
In Windows 10, the media center has completely disappeared
A good alternative is Kodi
information can be found in the The Beginner´s Guide to Kodi
And VLC is also useful for DVD or movie.
Deleting unnecessary files in Windows 7-8-10 and Vista
A number of folders need to be cleaned up.
If you are unable to empty a folder, always try to select a section and remove it as much as possible.
Go to this computer
Click on C
And then on Windows and then on Prefetch.
No access?
Still continue
This folder may be empty
Click 1 file and then press the crtl key + the a button.
Then all files will be selected.
Then press the Shift and delete buttons, and everything will be thrown away immediately without the intermediate step to the trash bin.
Simply remove it to the trash can also but then you have to empty it again later.
These folders may all be removed
Only the ReportingEvents. log file needs to be kept.
Datastore does annoying sometimes
You can try to make it partially empty and leave what you can't do.
If there is a notification, just continue or skip.
All files in the folder may be deleted.
Clear even more Temp files
Go to Start, Execute and type in that window;
Then you see at the top of the window the folder temp.
Open those.
Empty the entire folder. Except for the file
(Windows 7 and 8)
In Windows 10 it is not there.
If you have selected them to throw them away, the message: Skip? and then you choose
Type cleanmgr in the searchbox and then click on that icon at the top with your right mouse button.
Open as administrator.
Menu with C, and beyond....
Then you will see after a while and in the menu where you have to check all the items and then OK.
Delete files? Yes.
After cleanmgr, you need to restart the machine, which can take a long time.
Just wait or do something else, vacuum or wash dishes.
Remove restore points and making a new one.
Click with your right mouse button on this computer and then click on properties.
Then click on system security.
If it is correct, C is switched on.
If not, you don't have any restore points.
Then choose for configuration and then for; restore system....
Set the bottom slider to 3-4 gb
If you do have a considerable amount of recovery points, choose to remove them.
Then you make a new recovery point. Type the current date.
Create an image, copy of C
Start Macrium Reflect
Leave only a check mark at C
Klick on image this disk
The image is saved on D.
Then click on Finish and OK.
Backup synchronization of D with an external harddisk
Working with a synchronization tool should preferably be done from the administrator account.
If the files are moved to the D and anti-ransomware is installed, copying problems may occur.
Making a Backup is time consuming because you copy all your files every time you copy them.
Because the folders of my documents have already been moved to the D, a backup does not make sense either. That function is therefore also disabled.
It is advisable to put a copy of the D on an external hard disk.
Because a hard disk can also break down.
Create a folder on that external hard disk. (With the name of brand, type of PC or laptop)
You copy everything from D once, including the image of C, to that folder on that external drive.
Make any hidden image visible, by typing hidden in the searchbox and then choose to display hidden files.
After copying the entire D to that folder on the external drive, we use it for free SyncToy. You create a new folder pair from D to that folder on the external drive.
In this case G but that can also be another letter.

That's how you call it.
From D to G Copy of D
You will no longer copy the entire D, but only the modified files.
The files will be synchronized.
Even what has been removed on D is removed from the external drive.
All you have to do after installation is click on Synctoy and then on run.
Hard disk broken?
Because the image of C is also on that external drive, a new harddisk can be configurated for the PC or laptop and Windows and Office where still activated.
*system restore
*activate adminitrator